gk lokam: Science
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

5 November 2019

Evolution of Universe

Evolution of Universe

Origin of Universe

There are three main theories put forward to explain origin and evolution of universe.


Most widely accepted theory regarding the origin of universe
Ans : Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory was proposed by
Ans : George Lemaitre

Big Bang Theory was modified by
Ans : Edwin Hubble

The term big bang was coined by
Ans : Fred Hoyle

Big bang theory is also called as
Ans : Expanding Universe Hypothesis


Steady State Theory was proposed by
Ans : Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold and Fred Hoyle

Steady State Theory was proposed in
Ans : 1948

Quasi Steady State Theory was proposed by
Ans : Jayant Narlikar


The Pulsating Theory was proposed by
Ans : Dr. Allan Sandage

The theory which proposed that at present universe is expanding
Ans : Pulsating Theory


A galaxy is a vast collection of billions of stars, dust, gas and empty space held together by
Ans : Gravitational force

The word galaxy was first introduced by
Ans : William Herschel

First person to calculate distance between galaxies
Ans : Sir Edwin Hubble

There are about 5Q billion galaxies exist in the universe
Group of galaxies is known as
Ans : Cluster

The most distant object visible to naked eye in the universe
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy

Our sun and its planets belongs to the
Ans : Milky Way Galaxy or Akash Ganga

First astronomer to demonstrate the existence of galaxies beyond milky way
Ans : Edwin Hubble (1924)


1.Spiral Galaxies
2.Elliptical Galaxies
3.Irregular Galaxies

The galaxy having central nucleus with great spiral arms
Ans : Spiral Galaxy

Milky way and Andromeda are the examples of
Ans : Spiral Galaxies 

New stars are formed in Spiral Galaxies Largest spiral galaxy
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy

The farthest object which can be seen with naked eyes
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy

The milky way belongs to a cluster of galaxies called
Ans : Local group

The galaxies having no spiral arms are called
Ans : Elliptical,Galaxies

Red Giants and white dwarfs are seen in the
Ans : Elliptical Galaxies 

Dim collection of old stars are seen in the
Ans : Elliptical Galaxies 

Galaxies having no regular shape
Ans : Irregular Galaxies 

Large Magellanic cloud is an
Ans : Irregular Galaxy

20 October 2019

Human Body Basics |Components of Human Body

Human Body Basics -Components of Human Body

Elements of Human Body

Clinical Composition of Human Body

More than 93 per cent of the human body consists of three chemical elements-oxygen (65%), carbon (18.5%), and hydrogen (10%). 
Nitrogen (3%), calcium (1.5%), and phosphorus(1%) are also present in significant amounts.
At least 54 chemical elements feature in total, but most of these are tiny traces.

Tissues and Types of Tissues in Human Body

Tissues and Types of Tissues in Human Body


Tissues are groups of connected cells. 
Many tissues are made entirely from one type of cell. 
The four main types of tissue in the human body are;
  1. Connective tissue
  2. Epithelial tissue
  3. Muscular tissue
  4. Nervous tissue

What Makes a Body?Making a Human

What Makes a Body?Making a Human

What Makes a Body?

The human body is made from the same components as every other living thing. It is the way that they are put together that makes our bodies uniquely human. 

The basic materials are simple chemicals such as water, carbon, and oxygen, but they join to create more complex compounds. Trillions of microscopic cells become the building blocks of life, grouping together to form skin, bones, blood, and organs, until the body becomes complete.


Making a Human

Everything in the body  is made up of atoms, the tiniest building blocks of matter. 
  Atoms combine to  form molecules. 
 Millions  of molecules form every cell in the body. 
 There are  more than 200 types of cell,
with similar cells working in teams called tissues.
 The body's many organs and  systems are made up of-
 different tissues.

 Atoms =>Molecules =>Cell=>Tissue=>Organ=>Body System

Atoms and molecules

The smallest parts in the body are atoms.
These tiny building blocks form the elements in the body, such as carbon. 
Atoms can also  join together in groups called molecules
for  example, water is a molecule, made from a  combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.



Molecules build up to create body cells.
There are about 37 trillion cells in the average human, with different types of cells carrying out a variety of body functions, from transporting oxygen to sensing light and colour in the eye.


Cells performing the same  function are grouped together to form body tissues, such as skin, fat, or heart muscle. 

Blood is also a tissue, in liquid form.


Different kinds of tissue combine to make larger structures called organs.
Each organ works like a machine,performing its own role. 
An example of an organ is the stomach, which plays a part in the process of digesting food.

Body system

Organs are at the centre of 12 internal body systems. 
Each system has a specific job to keep the body in working order.

The stomach is one of the main organs of the digestive system.

Complete human

When this complex combination of integrated systems, organs, and tissues work together, the human body is complete. 

Each individual component plays its part in maintaining a fully functioning body.

1 October 2019

Solar System: Sun and the Eight Planets

Solar System: Sun and the Eight Planets

Solar System

The sun, eight planets, satellites and some other celestial bodies known as asteroids and meteoroids  form the solar system.

 We often call it a solar family, with the sun as its Head.